Apple's App Store's biggest day will make your jaw drop

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Setting billion dollar records? There's an App Store for that. Apple shared today that its App Store reached a record-high $144 million in sales on January 1st, 2016.

But this wasn't the first major success of this holiday season for the App Store. Apple's hundred million dollar New Year's Day beats out this season's Christmas Day record from just one week earlier.

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In total, Apple saw a whopping $1.1 billion dollars in app and in-app sales in the two weeks leading up to January 3, 2016.

Apple's SVP of Worldwide Marketing, Philip Schiller, shared that the App Store raked in "over 20 billion" in 2015 in a statement today.

%shareLinks-quote="We're grateful to all the developers who have created the most innovative and exciting apps in the world for our customers." type="quote" author="Philip Schiller " authordesc="SVP of Worldwide Marketing, Apple" isquoteoftheday="false"%
We're grateful to all the developers who have created the most innovative and exciting apps in the world for our customers."

These app developers work under the same umbrella of Apple as other software engineers, entrepreneurs and various non-IT jobs that are all involved in the app community. According to Apple, these jobs quantify about ¾ of all Apple employees, which is estimated to be over 1.4 million people.

Schiller expressed that he, and the rest of Apple "can't wait for what's to come in 2016."

With the unbelievable success of only the first few days of the New Year, it's safe to say that the rest of the world can't wait to see what's to come either.

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