Jennifer Lawrence's 6 best quotes from her new 'Glamour' cover story

Jennifer Lawrence Wants a Break From Fame
Jennifer Lawrence Wants a Break From Fame

Jennifer Lawrence is beloved in part for her acting skills, of course, but she's also adored because she says what she wants, trips down red carpets and seems like the kind of girl you dream of being best friends with. For her new cover of Glamour, the Joy actress definitely had the charm and humor dialed in. Here, her top six quotes from that interview, in no particular order.

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On her style:
"'Slutty power lesbian.' That is literally what I say to a stylist. [Laughs.] I don't know if that's offensive.... You don't see me as a slutty power lesbian on the red carpet a lot, because I'm embodying the Dior woman, which is an honor."

On why she's not on social media:
"Because then that's more exposure -- that's just more me. I want less me. I want people to have less me."

On her "lumps":
"But [also] I've got tits and an ass. And there are things that are made for skinny people -- like a lot of embroidery, or it covers a lot--and those make me look fat. I have to show the lumps. If you have boobs, you have to show, like, 'These are boobs. This isn't cellulite.' [Laughs.] Not that there's anything wrong with that."

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On her friends:
"I love Emma. She cracks me up-- she's so 'theater.' She's so adorable. And Adele and I met, like, a year or so ago. Adele and I are a bit harsher; Emma's never had a bad thought about anybody in her life. It's so weird; I don't like new people. But these two women -- and Amy -- they're really lovely."

On whether she's misunderstood:
"I don't feel like I'm misunderstood. I feel like I'm over-paid-attention-to. I'm not trying to be a GIF. I'm not trying to be a picked-up-on-Twitter quote. All I'm trying to do is act. And I have to promote these movies. And I am, at the end of the day, I guess, a f--king lunatic. So if you record what I'm saying, it's gonna be goofy."

On her life plan with Amy Schumer:
"Amy's always wanted to live on Martha's Vineyard, and we saw this house, and we're like, 'This is where we're gonna Grey Gardens, and we're gonna grow old and crazy together.' That's our life plan."

Check out more from Jennifer Lawrence in the gallery below!

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