Amazing Kanvas posts that will make you want to pack up your bags and travel right away

Amazing Kanvas posts that will make you want to pack up your bags and travel right away

Whether a vacation means a quick weekend getaway to a Vermont bed and breakfast, or a six month sabbatical in Bali, it's healthy to get out of your comfort zone and explore. While some people's would be content spending most of their life in the same town or state, others have made it their ultimate goal to travel and see the world. Some of those people took to Kanvas to share their travel dreams.

Here are some travel posts, created by social media gurus on Kanvas, the new popular app that allows users to create art, videos and much more!

Express yourself with Kanvas! Download the app to live stream and add gifs and effects to video!

Travel's always better with a partner:

There's so much out there for you to see:

Seeing the world will give you a new way to define yourself:

The adventures that require you to be brave are the best ones:

When you discover the world, you're really discovering yourself:

You won't find anything more beautiful than the natural beauty of the world around you:

The perfect New Year's resolution:

Some people are born with it:

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