Nestlé is developing a coffee that will keep you going all day long

Nestle May Be Developing Coffee with Slow Release Caffeine
Nestle May Be Developing Coffee with Slow Release Caffeine

Caffeine lovers, rejoice! This could just be the coffee dream you've been waiting for.

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According to reports, Nestlé is developing a special type of coffee that will keep your caffeine boost going all day long. This could be a total game changer.

The latest innovation is currently in the development stages at Nestle's laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland. Scientists are partnering up with the Swiss technical university, École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), to create the product.

As explained by the Swiss university working with Nestle's, the new product will utilize slow-release caffeine. This means you could get a slow and steady flow of caffeine throughout the day.

EPFL explains this is same tool is already being used in the pharmaceutical industry for extended-release drug delivery.

It is not yet clear when this revolutionary product will be ready for consumption...but sign us up!

[h/t Delish]

Take a look at what your coffee order says about you:

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