This bright orange 'miracle' powder does wonders for your body

Julie Daniluk Bonus Clip: Why You Need To Up Your Turmeric Now
Julie Daniluk Bonus Clip: Why You Need To Up Your Turmeric Now

From diet supplements, to actual dieting, to going on a cleanse -- you've probably tried it all when it comes to doing right by your body. But often times, it ends in no avail. You feel discouraged, and wonder what you could possibly STILL be doing wrong? Well, if you're looking for that perfect food to transform your current life, we just may have the answer for you.

Turmeric root is a plant that's commonly known to be part of the ginger family. It has typically been used in Asian and Indian cuisines for centuries. Finally, other cultures are catching on and turmeric is being used all around the globe.

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So, what's so special about this powder-made root? Well, the answer's simple, really. There are only a handful of foods that can truly help fight inflammation and heal the body in a miraculous way. Turmeric just so happens to have that miracle power, and we're loving it for that reason alone.

Photo: Getty

What's it's secret? It gets its inflammation-reducing powers from the antioxidant curcumin -- great for reducing inflammation and lowering risk of chronic diseases.

You might be thinking -- "but I don't have a problem with inflammation, why do I need turmeric?" Well, the truth is, whether or not these symptoms are currently an issue for you, a dash of turmeric on your vegetables or even taking a turmeric supplement could be extremely beneficial for your body as a whole. Studies show that consuming turmeric "reduces the negative effects of high-fat meals by lowering the insulin response of the body by 20 percent."

Now that's a root worth exploring!

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