World's oldest living cat is over 100 years old and still going strong

World's Oldest Living Cat Doesn't Look a Day Over 20
World's Oldest Living Cat Doesn't Look a Day Over 20

Cat lovers, if you've got an adorable little ball of fur at home that you think is actual cat goals -- this age old kitty more than likely has you beat. She's gorgeous, fabulous and is known as the oldest living cat in the world. Corduroy the cat, is living proof that some things only get better with age.

At 121-years-old, he's has aged oh so gracefully, just like fine wine. And in case you're wondering, that's 26-years-old in human years! Pretty impressive, right? Officially recognized as the world's oldest cat by Guinness World Records, Corduroy has certainly exceeded the life expectancy of a cat by more than 10 years.

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According to the Dodo, his owner Ashley Okura, first met Corduroy when he was just a kitten in 1989. In true cat lover fashion, she's spent almost every year since with her beloved kitty. Talk about pet/owner goals!

%shareLinks-quote="We're bonded. I'm used to his routine and he has a wonderful temperament and personality. Having him around all this time has been great." type="quote" author="Ashley Okura" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

She also revealed to the Dodo that she believes the secret to Corduroy's long-lived life was his freedom to play and explore in the wilderness. "I honestly believe that by keeping Corduroy's claws he was able to defend himself and go hunting outside. I think it's good for the cat's mental health to go outside and feel like a cat," she said.

But the most remarkable part of the story isn't that he's been crowned the world's oldest cat, it's that he's been crowned it TWICE. In 2014, he was stripped of his initial title when a then 26-year-old cat named Tiffany II was honored. Guinness World Records finally re-named Corduroy the world's oldest cat this summer, after Tiffany II passed away.

Click through below for more adorable photos of Corduroy:

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