Students are boycotting school lunch they say is 'worse than prison food'

Serving Unhealthy School Lunches A Win For Big Companies
Serving Unhealthy School Lunches A Win For Big Companies

Teens at Roosevelt High School in Chicago are not too happy with their school lunches. In fact, they are taking drastic measures to show their administrators they'd like a change — with a boycott.

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Starting Wednesday, Dec. 2, students at Roosevelt High are reportedly boycotting their school's lunch, in an effort they've named "The School Lunch Project: Culinary Denial."

Apparently the school lunches at Chicago Public Schools are "disgusting." They're so unappetizing that some students at Roosevelt High School have launched an online campaign to fix that.

Posted by Chicagoist on Monday, November 30, 2015

The student body, which consists of over 1,400 students, has complaints of "rotten pears, burned pizza, and fat-filled chicken patties and burgers."

%shareLinks-quote="Students are supposed to gain their energy back and eat a healthy lunch, but lunch is something hungry students don't look forward to. Many students have gotten to the point where they don't eat lunch at all." type="quote" author="Roosevelt students" authordesc="Protest website" isquoteoftheday="false"%

On the website devoted to the protest, students write: "Today, our lunch at Roosevelt is no better than the ones in Cook County prison. In fact, Aramark is the food service provider for both institutions."

The students MoveOn Petition states: "This is important because we eat 1/6th of our meals here annually, and many students refuse to eat it. By signing this petition, we demand that school lunches get better. "

In a statement released to the public, Chicago Public Schools (CPS) wrote that "the health and wellness of our students is among our top priorities, and we will look into the students' questions about their meals."

Here are some tasty options for school lunches:

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