One husband's list about everything that makes his wife cry goes viral for the best reasons

Husband Writes Down Everything That Makes His Wife Cry
Husband Writes Down Everything That Makes His Wife Cry

It's safe to say, humans are emotional people.

We tend to cry about a lot of things. For parents, it may be sending your kids off to college. For millenials, it's that final scene of "Toy Story 3" when Andy gives his toys away. Or for any human with tear ducts, it the last 25 minutes of "Marley and Me."

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One man, known as TechnicallyRon on Imgur, posted photo that is getting quite the attention. He decided to write down all the things his wife cries about on a daily basis and then uploaded the photo to the image sharing site.

Among some of the listed items are...
-There were no biscuits in the house (extremely valid reason to cry)
-She found out swans can be gay and thought it was really nice
-I cooked her dinner after a long day
-She watched a video about a dog

Needless to say, the note elicited many other notes from people on Imgur. Here are a few of our favorites.

Biggerboot: Please continue this. This is just like my girlfriend. She almost cried when she went to the zoo and a seal came up to the glass.
VillianofImgur: My girlfriend cried after her kitten started drinking water for the first time
WahoomCDaniel: My wife once cried during a Folgers Coffee commercial because she thought it was so touching.
Keyome: My mum cried at the song at the end of Robinhood men in tights, I can relate to this post
CourtneyRocks: I cried one time when I saw a really fluffy white puppy bc I was so overwhelmed with happiness.
lllomendnb: As a grown man, I might have cried if you imitated the Babadook. +1 for you sir.

Let's just say, like everyone else who commented, TechincallyRon, please keep them coming.

To round off the cuteness factor, check out some adorable photos of dogs in the gallery below!

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