How to cook Thanksgiving with (gasp!) one oven


Most professional kitchens have multiple ovens. Most test kitchens have multiple ovens. Some home kitchens have two ovens. Someday I hope to have a kitchen like that. But I don't. And chances are you don't, either. Even on the 35th floor of One World Trade Center in the Epicurious Test Kitchen, we only have one oven. So if you're cooking in a one-oven kitchen, I'm just like you. I worry about how to get a huge Thanksgiving menu on the table with every dish hot and ready at the same time. I complain about the lack of a second (or third, or fourth) oven, but then I make it happen. Because you don't need more than one oven to cook Thanksgiving.

We developed our 2015 Epi Thanksgiving Menu to be cooked in just one oven. Because that's the kitchen we work in, and because we wanted to make your lives easier too. Check it out. But if you're planning your own menu that'll need to be cooked with just one oven, here's how to make it happen without any traffic jams or frustrated tears:

Related: Easy Thanksgiving Side Dishes That Do Not Require an Oven

Easy Thanksgiving Side Dishes That Do Not Require an Oven
Easy Thanksgiving Side Dishes That Do Not Require an Oven

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