One man reveals why he's obsessed with mac n' cheese box powder

Secret Food Confessions: Mac 'N' Cheese Box Powder
Secret Food Confessions: Mac 'N' Cheese Box Powder

What's your weirdest food obsession? It might be spam for some or syrup on eggs for others -- but believe it or not, no matter how weird you think it is, there's always someone who beats your weirdness. In this case, the subject is pretty cheesy (pun intended).

As you can see in the video above, one man reveals why mac n' cheese box powder (yes, you read that right) is his favorite guilty pleasure. In one of Mashable's awesome series "Secret Food Confessions," they dive into the strange and bizarre things people love to eat. And trust us when we say, they probably blow your weird food habits out of the water.

SEE ALSO: The craziest fast food items from around the world in honor of National Fast Food Day

But before we get too judge mental, we'd like to point out that everyone is into strange stuff -- and maybe eating powdered cheese to this man is like what eating a big chocolate chip cookie is to us!

Photo: Getty

In the video, he associates his love for the stuff to when you see a box of cereal and you're digging through it for the prize inside, saying "when I see a box of mac n' cheese, I know that the prize inside is just that powdered packet of cheese."

He also mentions that despite people's assumptions about how hard it must be to eat powder, he actually didn't eat it at all -- he drank it! Yes, that's right, he gulped that powder down. He associated it to eating sand that tastes like cheese. Weird enough for you?

Well, before you freak out too much, you should know that he doesn't often eat it alone. Just like us when taking a shot of alcohol that might be too strong, he chases the powder with, you guessed it, MILK.

Now, that's one CHEESY food confession.

Watch below as someone confesses why they love putting spam on their ramen:

Slice It and Dice It: I Put Spam on My Ramen
Slice It and Dice It: I Put Spam on My Ramen

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