Rub your old cutting board with these three things to make it look brand new

Rub your old cutting board with these three things to make it look brand new

For years, I've been searching for a foolproof way to clean my wooden cutting board. I didn't only want to scrub it down, though — I also wanted it to appear like it was brand-new again.

Luckily, we here at LittleThings have experimented with some perfect cleaning hacks. You can disinfect your cutting board with a lemon, but if you want to go one step beyond cleaning, then you have to try out the hack below.

In an exclusive video, we show you how to use three simple store-bought ingredients to restore your cutting board. Here's what you'll need:


3% hydrogen peroxide
White vinegar
1 Tbsp. coconut oil


Pour a bit of hydrogen peroxide onto the board surface and rub with a cloth.
Pour some white vinegar onto the surface and wipe down.
Dollop the coconut oil on the board and rub all over.
Wash board and let it dry.

The hydrogen peroxide disinfects the board and kills all the germs. The vinegar will help disinfect it a second time and get rid of nasty odors. Lastly, the odorless coconut oil provides a protective coating for the board.

Will you be trying out this amazing hack at home? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below, and please SHARE this tip with friends and family!

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