Great Dane helps little girl with rare genetic disorder learn to walk again

Great Dane Helps 11-Year-Old Girl Learn to Walk Again
Great Dane Helps 11-Year-Old Girl Learn to Walk Again

They don't call dogs "man's best friend" for nothing.

It is especially true for a girl named Bella and her Great Dane, George. At just 11 years old, Bella's growth has been stunted due to a rare genetic disorder called Morquio Syndrome, according to WCVB.

%shareLinks-quote="It attacks her healthy bone growth. So that's why she's short-statured. Her hips had issues with them her feet." type="quote" author="Rachel Burton" authordesc="Bella's mother" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Even after nine major surgeries, Rachel's mother told WCVB that her daughter was still struggling to get around.

But according to Bella, things have been looking up ever since service dog George joined the family last month. The dog has helped her more than any other therapy she's tried and has offered the girl a new chance at walking.

%shareLinks-quote="I had wheelchairs, walkers, Canadian crutches, regular crutches, and then we got George and I dropped my crutches and started to use him." type="quote" author="Bella Burton" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

The two formed an instant bond. The fast friends go everywhere together, even to Bella's school.

"He knows where all my classes are," the 11-year-old said.

As adorable as the Great Dane may be, Bella reminded onlookers to look but not touch the dog when they're together.

%shareLinks-quote="Some people come up and ask if they can pet him and play with him ... They think he's a therapy dog. I say, 'No. You can't pet him. He's a working service dog.'" type="quote" author="Bella Burton" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

A Great Dane seems only appropriate for such a great girl with a big life ahead of her. You can donate to the service dog program where the family found George here.

Watch this service dog act as the best man at a wounded army veteran's wedding:

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