Reputable ESPN report links field turf to cancer

Why Won't the Government Say Whether This Artificial Turf Is Safe?
Why Won't the Government Say Whether This Artificial Turf Is Safe?

ESPN's weekly investigative journalism show "E:60" has unleashed a bombshell.

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Julie Foudy, former professional U.S. women's soccer player, examines the connection between the rubber "crumbs" found on turf fields and cancer.

US Playground Safety
US Playground Safety

This concern originally arose after a number of young soccer goalkeepers and players, who spend most of their time diving in and around the turf, were diagnosed with cancer.

E:60 will run their investigative report is featured on ESPN's website, and will examine the link between artificial turf and cancer in athletes.

In a preview segment released, ESPN speaks to University of Washington soccer coach Amy Griffin, who compiled a list of almost 200 athletes with cancer, who have played on artificial turf that contains tiny black rubber pellets called "crumb rubber."

As one would imagine, this information is causing quite the controversy and worry amongst the sports community. ​

Look back through the photos of the U.S. Women's World Cup soccer parade​:

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