Inspiring man drops to hands and knees to give boy with autism a haircut

Barber Lays On Ground To Give Boy With Autism Haircut
Barber Lays On Ground To Give Boy With Autism Haircut

Here's your feel good story of the day!

Meet James Williams, a hairdresser from Wales, whose patience and kindness has gone viral on the internet.

SEE ALSO: Meet Julia, 'Sesame Street's' first character with autism

According to Williams's Facebook page, a young customer named Mason was recently diagnosed with autism and his parents have found it difficult to get his hair cut. So, over the past few months, Williams has been attempting to try different ways to cut Mason's hair, but the young boy was still left feeling uncomfortable.

As explained by The Mighty, "Because of sensory overload, haircuts are often difficult and even painful for people with autism."

It wasn't until Williams really got on Mason's level, that he was able to able to cut his hair perfectly.​

%shareLinks-quote="I finally achieved it where we both layed on the floor in silence and he allowed me to cut away and give him his first proper haircut, again achieving something in a job." type="quote" author="James Williams" authordesc="Facebook" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Really want to thank Jamie Lewis Denine Davies to allow me to post this on my wall, the extremes you need to achieve...

Posted by James Williams on Tuesday, November 3, 2015

If you have a child with autism, watch the video below:

Common Treatment Options for Children with Autism
Common Treatment Options for Children with Autism

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