Adidas offers design resources to schools that want to get rid of their offensive mascots

Students Have Mixed Feelings After CA Bans 'Redskins' Name, Mascot
Students Have Mixed Feelings After CA Bans 'Redskins' Name, Mascot

Adidas is launching a new program that will help schools interested in voluntarily getting rid of logos and mascots that use Native American imagery. The company will lend their design resources to the schools, and will provide financial aid for those who can't afford to stage a large-scale rebrand.

"High school social identities are central to the lives of young athletes, so it's important to create a climate that feels open to everyone who wants to compete," Mark King, president of Adidas Group North America, said in a statement. "But the issue is much bigger. These social identities affect the whole student body and, really, entire communities. In many cities across our nation, the high school and its sports teams take center stage in the community and the mascot and team names become an everyday rallying cry."

This is totally a PR ploy on the part of Adidas, but at least it's actually accomplishing something good, especially since about 2,000 schools across the country are still using Native American logos or mascots. America!

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