Buffalo Bills apparently have drunkest fans in NFL

2 Point Lead: Bills Fans Gone Wild
2 Point Lead: Bills Fans Gone Wild

The Buffalo Bills have certainly had a rough go of things in the NFL over the past couple of decades or so. After making (and losing in) four consecutive Super Bowls in the early 1990s, the Bills haven't been back to the NFL's biggest game since the 1993 season and haven't made the playoffs since the turn of the new millennium. Unsurprisingly, this has led to Bills fans becoming a bit jaded.

That's why it's not hard to believe a new report that says that the Buffalo Bills have the drunkest fans in the NFL. A study conducted by BACtrack using BACtrack Mobile—a smartphone app that serves as a breathalyzer—analyzed the Blood Alcohol Content of people on Sundays from the preseason through Week 7 of this year and cross-referenced those numbers with a Twitter map showing the geographical distribution of NFL fan bases. That study concluded that the Bills did indeed have the drunkest fansin the NFL.

The Bills averaged a BAC of .076, followed in these "rankings" by the Detroit Lions,Philadelphia Eagles, Cleveland Browns, and Arizona Cardinals, respectively. You can see the entirety of the study's findings at BACtrack and on an infographic from the good folks at VinePair.

While it's not hard to imagine the Bills, Lions, Eagles, and Browns being on this list, it is a bit surprising to see the Cards so high given their success this season while fans of teams like the Tennessee Titans and Houston Texans—two of the worst teams in the league this year—come with two of the lowest average BAC numbers. Perhaps they're just too appalled at the putrid football their teams are playing to even drink a beer.

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