Man pulls lever and a beer fridge magically appears in his yard


Some guys dream of the ultimate man cave and redesign their basements to achieve the perfect balance between sports, alcohol, home theater, pool tables and video games, sometimes in the most incredible ways. Others, on the other hand, are more into building secret spots where they can keep their beloved belongings. This is the case of a German man who architected a complex pneumatic system in his yard and posted a video on YouTube to demonstrate it in action. When a lever is pulled, a completely innocuous potted plant lifts up to reveal a three-layer beer fridge that keeps the drinks cold through the underground's low temperature.

RELATED: Here is an overview of man caves to teach you more about them

'Man Caves': Hardworking Dad Gets Industrial-Upcycled Man Cave
'Man Caves': Hardworking Dad Gets Industrial-Upcycled Man Cave

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