This intern got fired for an incredibly racist tweet


According to New York Daily News, Arizona resident Erika Escalante was fired from her internship after posting an incredibly racist joke that sparked outrage on social media and went viral. Escalante posted three photographs of herself and a friend pretending to pick cotton from a field, with the caption "Our inner n***** came out today."

The 20-year-old former intern deleted the tweet as soon as she realized that she crossed a line, but it was already too late. Other users, outraged by her post, grabbed screenshots of and sparked a conversation around the racist tweet. Isagenix, the company Escalante was working for, did not appreciate one of their interns posting such wrong content on her social media and the executive board decided to fire her immediately and tweet about it:

%shareLinks-quote="It was unanimous, it is a complete conflict of who we are, and what we stand for as a company, so within roughly two hours we ended our employment with her." type="quote" author="Kevin Snider" authordesc="Isagenix spokesman" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Escalante explained that her tweet was meant as a joke, but the power of the Internet made it possible to held her responsible for her action. According to Fox 10, the former intern deleted all her social media accounts but someone created a similar Twitter profile and is now using it to post racially charged tweets.

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