Adorable 'grandma in the window' waves to kids on bus every morning

Kids Respond with Compassion to 'Grandma in the Window'
Kids Respond with Compassion to 'Grandma in the Window'

Meet "the grandma in the window," Louise Edlen, who has become an absolute staple in bus 7's morning routine.

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Edlen is a 93-year-old grandmother of 30, who has been waving to the kids on the Arlington, Washington bus from her dining room window every school day for the past five years.

The children look forward to seeing "the grandma in the window" every morning, and vis versa. So when the kids didn't see her in the window one morning, they got worried.​

%shareLinks-quote="It means everything in the world to her. It gives her something to look forward to every day." type="quote" author="Dave Elden" authordesc="KING 5" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Bus driver, Carol Mitzelfeld learned that grandma had suffered a stroke. She brought Louise flowers; and the next day, a "thank you" sign was hanging bright in grandma's front window.

Thankfully, Louise was able to return home recently and received the warmest welcome of all. This story truly warms our hearts!

Our wonderful "Grandma in the Window" was able to come home yesterday! The APS buses that drove by honked while the kids...

Posted by Arlington Public Schools, Arlington WA on Wednesday, October 21, 2015

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