Former Marine reveals jaw-dropping transgender transformation

I Would Have Been Discharged From The Military If I Came Out As Trans
I Would Have Been Discharged From The Military If I Came Out As Trans

Meet Sona Avedian, a 33-year-old former marine, who has become an internet sensation after a video documenting her incredible transgender transformation went viral.

Sona, formerly known as Matthew, says her "identity crisis" started when she was just a young child.

%shareLinks-quote="When I was just seven-years-old, my mom caught me cross-dressing. Devastated and ashamed, it turned into my deepest, darkest secret for 23 years." type="quote" author="Sona Avedian" authordesc="Youtube" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Confused and unable to grasp her true identify, Avedian says she "hid behind the mask of a U.S. Marine." This meant bulking up to 240 lbs., growing a large beard and driving a muscle car.

Avedian also bravely served six combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan. She then proceeded to marry a woman and had a daughter, too. At the time, neither knew of her life-altering secret.

In 2012, Sona came out as transgender and began her amazing transition. The former Marine "amicably" divorced from her wife and now lives in Austin, Texas where she works as a Lyft and Uber driver.

%shareLinks-quote="The wife, the child, cars, guns, the Marines, everything, I have zero regrets. It was part of my journey." type="quote" author="Sona Avedian" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Watch Avedian's transformation video here:

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