The 2016 campaigns are inspiring some weird merchandise

The 2016 Campaigns Are Inspiring Some Weird Merch
The 2016 Campaigns Are Inspiring Some Weird Merch

If you want to show support for your favorite presidential candidate ... forget the hats and pantsuit shirts. Here is some of the weirdest swag you can buy this election cycle.

If you want to pull that hair back like Hillary Clinton ... a Hillary Scrunchie is all you need.

Have you ever wanted this face on your butter? This ceramic stamp claims to be Trump's "angry face." (Honestly, we're not completely sold.)

If you favor Fiorina over Clinton ... prove it with some bunny ears apparel for you or your pup.

Is your bundle of joy also "sick and tired of hearing about [Clinton's] damn emails"? There's a bodysuit for that. And it's organic.

But if you have some big money, you can buy Marco Rubio a plane ticket. Don't worry –– a signed postcard comes free.

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