These are the best and worst candies for your health to keep in mind just in time for Halloween


While you may love Christmas, New Years and all the other amazing holidays -- there's no better time for a deliciously sweet indulgence like the awesome holiday that is Halloween! With all the incredible Halloween-inspired treats you can bake and buy this season, there's no denying that this holiday is the perfect time to satisfy your sweet tooth.

But here's the thing, if you have kids then you're probably fully aware of all the dangers that is eating Halloween candy. One of the biggest dangers is the health risks of eating these sugary, calorie-filled goodies. Because let's face it, some of these treats are just plain bad for you.

But even though not many Halloween treats can be classified as healthy, there are still ways to indulge your cravings without completely saying goodbye to your healthy lifestyle.

Check out the slideshow above for the best and worst Halloween candies for your health.

RELATED: The truth behind Halloween fun-sized calorie counts

Halloween 'Fun Size' Candy Calorie Counts from Smart to Scary
Halloween 'Fun Size' Candy Calorie Counts from Smart to Scary

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