Latest Russian poll reveals shocking feelings towards LGBT community

What's Russia's Stance on LGBT People?
What's Russia's Stance on LGBT People?

Russian non-governmental research organization, The Levada Center, published its latest poll on Friday and let's just say, the results are dramatically intolerant towards the LGBT community.

The Center surveyed 1,600 adults across Russia in September of this year, and has a margin of error of no more than 3.4 percent.


According to their findings and as reported by Pink News, more than half of respondents said they do not welcome gay people. They also found that other minority groups such as sex workers, homeless people and fringe religious groups have all become less welcome in the past 15 years.

Even more shockingly, the poll found that now 21 percent of people want to see LGBT "liquidated," and 37 percent said they wanted to exclude LGBT people from society.

%shareLinks-quote="Vicious homophobia has been legitimized by this legislation and given extremists the cover to abuse people's basic human rights. " type="quote" author="Elton John, LGBT activist" authordesc="Addressing Russian government" isquoteoftheday="false"%

This has many begging the question, where are these increasingly hostile feelings coming from? While of course it has a lot to do with society, culture, and tradition, some are pointing fingers at Russian President, Vladimir Putin, who passed an anti-gay law which in 2013.

The law prohibits the "promotion of non-traditional sexual relations" to minors, and in fact, LGBT hate crimes have increased dramatically since it was introduced two years ago.

Notable LGBT women and activists:

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