Baby with inoperable tumor gets amazing second chance at life


Abigail Jones has dealt with more in just the two months she's been alive than most people have dealt with in a lifetime.

After being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumor, doctors told Abigail's parents their baby girl was not expected to survive much longer, reports WCVB.

Her parents from Jacksonville, Florida received the devastating news about their daughter's fatal tumor while she was still in the womb.

%shareLinks-quote="We would spend all day just looking at her in amazement ... but then also at the same time with gut-wrenching pain." type="quote" author="Stephen Jones" authordesc="Father" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Also diagnosed with Down's syndrome, the family went through the torturous process of planning baby Abigail's funeral. But as they waited for her health to go downhill, the girl kept growing stronger and stronger.

%shareLinks-quote="She was thriving. She was certainly not in any way, shape or form dying." type="quote" author="Erika Jones" authordesc="Mother" isquoteoftheday="false"%

I have to brag on our amazing neurosurgeon, Dr. Al Cohen. Not only is he an incredibly gifted, brilliant, world renown...

Posted by Abigail's Joy on Monday, October 12, 2015

That's when the Jones' decided to hop on a plane to grab a second opinion from physicians in Boston.

Boston Children's Hospital Neurosurgeon-in-Chief Dr. Alan Cohen told the family that Abigail's diagnosis may not have been as fatal as they originally thought. He explained to the family that sometimes tumors may look malignant but turn out not to be.

%shareLinks-quote="We thought there wasn't enough evidence to give her a death sentence. So I said, 'Why don't you come on up and let's take a look at this thing and maybe we can take it out.'" type="quote" author="Dr. Alan Cohen" authordesc="Boston Children's Hospital Neurosurgeon-in-Chief" isquoteoftheday="false"%

And that's exactly what Cohen and his team did. The staff at Boston Children's Hospital successfully operated on baby Abigail last Thursday and found that the tumor was not cancerous.

Erika told WCVB that she couldn't believe it when Cohen came out to tell the family the good news.

%shareLinks-quote="It was almost like she was born again." type="quote" author="Erika Jones" authordesc="Mother" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Abigail was released from the hospital Monday and is resting comfortably with her parents.

This adorable "miracle" baby Jaxon also just celebrated a milestone moment. Watch below to see more:

"Miracle" Baby Jaxon Celebrates His First Birthday
"Miracle" Baby Jaxon Celebrates His First Birthday

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