Singapore may be about to introduce mail delivery via drone

Drone Waiters Unveiled in Singapore
Drone Waiters Unveiled in Singapore

While the debate over the legalization of drones for commercial use continues and experiments of all sorts like the one in the video above are being explored, SingPost, Singapore national postal service, has carried out some successful tests of mail and parcel delivery by drone. According to The Next Web, the Infocomm Development Authority of Singapore (IDA) Labs created an unmanned, flying device that carried a letter and a t-shirt over two kilometers in five minutes to the island of Pulau Ubin.

RELATED: See this gallery full of all kinds of drones

In order to ensure that the mail reaches the right recipient, the drone is paired with an app that functions as security verification and avoids potential mistakes or hacks. IDA managing director Jaquiline Poh stated the following:

Although it will be a while before it is viable for drone mail delivery to take off in Singapore, taking into consideration commercial and safety factors; this first step by SingPost and IDA demonstrates what Singapore is trying out with our Smart Nation vision – to have the various parts of our ecosystem collaborate, experiment with new ways of doing things, and in the process, literally aim for the sky with new technology.

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