Dying dad gives last piece of advice and we should all listen


Paul Moore is dying, but he doesn't look scared. In fact, Fox News reports that his eyes seem wise and his faith couldn't be stronger.

The 36-year-old father from Farmington, Utah, found out he was sick at a neighbor's suggestion. He and his wife went into the hospital after the neighbor asked him to get checked. There, Moore found that what he thought had been cysts and pulled muscles on the upper half of his body were actually around 40 tumors, including some on his skull.

Since his diagnosis in the winter, Moore has had six surgeries that include an entire hip replacement, along with radiation. He walks with a cane because the doctors say his hip could break at any moment from pressure.

%shareLinks-quote="In August, the 36-year-old was told he only had two months to live. But he refused to let that news shake him. " type="spreadWord"%

With a smile, he told Fox News reporter Jason F. Wright, "We're going to be alright."

Thanks to the Paul Moore Foundation, he's not wrong. The foundation was created by four women who hoped to help take some of the financial burden from medical bills off the struggling family. Since then, the team is focused on helping other terminally ill families cope, as well.

Although he isn't scared of dying, Moore admits he thinks about it often:

"I wonder...where will it happen and when? How do you know? I can't imagine just not waking up some day and then the kids seeing me taken out."

But above all, he stresses the importance on staying positive. When asked by Wright if there was any advice he would be willing to share, Moore replied:

%shareLinks-quote="Please quit wasting time with negative thoughts. Let your perspective change. It's worked for me. There are so many good people all around you. I've had to let those thoughts go and start driving in the slow lane. You can do this, too." type="quote" author="Paul Moore" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

And he's right -- the reporter points out that while they could have spent the article discussing Moore's terminal illness, they instead talked about family, faith and positivity.

It's a lesson everyone should take to heart -- in a world with so much cynicism, it's important to never let the negativity win.

You can donate to the Paul Moore Foundation here.

Watch below to see how one terminally ill woman was surprised with the wedding of her dreams:

Dream Wedding Comes True for Terminally Ill Woman
Dream Wedding Comes True for Terminally Ill Woman

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