Today in History: 27 years ago, first American woman reached the summit of Mt. Everest

Epic Picture of Mt. Everest
Epic Picture of Mt. Everest

On September 29, 1988, Stacy Allison, a woman from Portland, Oregon, became the first American woman to reach the summit of Mt. Everest. The mountain, which is 29,035 feet above sea level, is the highest point on earth.

Allison was a member of the Northwest American Everest Expedition and used the southeast ridge route to climb the Himalayan peak during her journey.

Allison's accomplishment was a big step for not only women, but for mankind in general. Nearly two dozen climbers died in an attempt to reach the top of the mountain in the 20th century.

Now, Allison is helping organizations around the globe who are trying to scale their own monumental challenges. She has also written two books, and her first book, "Beyond the Limits: A Woman's Triumph on Everest" describes her incredible journey.

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