Say hello to flawless skin! 10 tricks for beautiful skin that don't cost a dime

DIY Skincare
DIY Skincare

It's no secret that beauty doesn't exactly come cheap! Sadly for us ladies, if we want that flowy hair and glowy skin, the majority of the time we have to pay a pretty penny for it. Sometimes it's worth it and sometimes we just really don't want to spend the extra money. But what if we told you there are ways to get flawless, gorgeous skin without having to shovel out a huge chunk of cash?

That's right, we've got a few easy skin tricks for keeping that beautiful glow that don't cost a single penny. These skin pick-me-ups will make your morning routine a whole lot easy and your day-to-day life a whole lot better.

Photo: Getty

1) Drink lots, AND LOTS of water!

Staying hydrated is good for our body is general, skin included.

2) Get at least 7 hours of sleep per night

This allows us our skin to properly rejuvenate overnight.

3) Reduce sun exposure

Reducing this means reducing signs of aging on your skin.

4) Cut down your sugar intake

Sugary foods allow our insulin levels to spike, causing a burst of inflammation. This causes sagging skin and wrinkles.

5) Stop wiping your body after showering

Pat down instead to allow natural oils to stay in the body.

Click through below for foods that help with clear skin:

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