You'll never believe what this 5-year-old wrote in her letter to the pope

Girl Appeals to Pope for Immigration Help
Girl Appeals to Pope for Immigration Help

When 5-year-old Sophie Cruz had the opportunity to approach Pope Francis during a White House parade on Wednesday, she made a heart-melting plea that nobody expected.

Sophie, the daughter of two undocumented immigrants, reached the pope on Wednesday after he spotted her and motioned for her to approach him. While Sophie and her sister are American citizens, she's terrified that her parents will be deported from the country. Therefore, Sophie wrote a letter to the pope asking him to ensure the safety of her family.

See more coverage of the pope's visit: What's on the pope's schedule for his visit this week?

When Sophie's father lifted her over the barricade to reach Pope Francis, the pope kissed her cheek and took her envelope, which contained the letter she had written to him. The letter included a photo with words that translate as:

"My friends and I love each other no matter our skin color."

See images of adoring crowds for the pope in DC:

Sophie told Pope Francis that she hopes he can bring change to U.S. immigration laws. She wants him "to speak with the president and Congress, for they can give 'la reforma migratoria' for all the immigrants." Sophie noted that she wrote a second letter addressed to President Obama that she hopes to give him someday.

Sophie said that her father works extreme hard in a Los Angeles factory from 4:30 PM to 3 AM every day. She hopes that one day she won't live in fear that her hardworking parents might be forced out of the country they all call home.

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