Toddler has the best reaction to taking her first steps in prosthetics

Toddler has the best reaction to taking her first steps in prosthetics

A child's first steps are a major milestone. That statement couldn't be truer for on little girl who recently took her first steps with a prosthetic leg.

The child shown in a video, which has since gone viral on the Amputee Coalition of America's Facebook page, shows the tot finally testing out her new limb. Little squeals of excitement burst out as she realizes she's mobile completely on her own.

At the end of it all, her dad lifts her up and gives the toddler a giant hug -- because she totally deserved it.

You can watch the full video below, but fair warning, this will melt your heart:

If you want to see more incredible news in prosthetic technology, check out the video below!

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