Gorgeous new tattoo trend is changing the artistry of body ink


Tattoos these days are about so much more than looking edgy or cool. They're a form of art. Thus, they require immense artistry. Body ink has transcended its somewhat gothic history and become something to embrace and appreciate.

A new innovation in the tattoo world is taking social media by storm and making us swoon in the process. Introducing watercolor tattoos, the breathtaking tattoo trend implemented by Czech artist Ondry Konupčík, known to the social media-sphere as Ondrash (pictured above).

Ondrash's tattoos convey beauty, artistry and power permanently inked on people's bodies. With an abundance of vibrant colors, Ondrash is changing the face (or arm, neck, ankle, etc.) of the tattoo world one brilliant watercolor tattoo at a time. It seems tattoos might just join the ranks of high art forms sooner than we thought. Take a look at some of Ondrash's gorgeous designs:

Watch this video to see this year's most fascinating tattoo trends:

This Year's Most Fascinating Tattoo Trends
This Year's Most Fascinating Tattoo Trends

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