Amazon is launching a super cheap tablet that sells in 6-packs

Amazon's New Lineup
Amazon's New Lineup

Amazon announced a new Fire tablet that you can buy for just $50 and if you feel like buying a batch you can get a six-pack for $250, basically getting one for free. The low price does not mean bad performance and tech specs, which are impressively decent for the deal.

The new tablet will be simply called Fire, and it's the cheapest tablet the company has ever created. The seven-inch device is twice as powerful as the Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 Lite, which sells for twice the price. According to Business Insider, Amazon claims that their new tablet is twice as durable as the latest iPad Air, which costs $399 and up. The release date is September 30, and the company foresees bulk sales considering the packaging that lets customers purchase six tablets at a time.

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