Libertine Spring 2016 ends with a dance party -- and it's incredible

Libertine - Runway - Spring 2016 New York Fashion Week: The Shows
Libertine - Runway - Spring 2016 New York Fashion Week: The Shows

The Libertine Spring 2016 collection was a sight to behold, starting with the audience that sat eagerly awaiting Johnson Hartig's newest creations. You could tell the crowd was filled with his biggest fans, as everyone was dressed to the nines in their most colorful ensembles.

But before the show could start, we were informed of the ultimate obstacle Hartig and his team had to face. What's every designer's worst nightmare during Fashion Week? Some of the collection getting lost would probably be number 1, don't you think? Unfortunately, that was the case for the show last night.

At the top of the show credits that accompanied custom Libertine chocolates for the guests, the team explained that UPS lost a box that contained not one but 20 of the collection's most important show pieces. Though it was an abridged show, you would never have known -- they pulled it off in every way imaginable.

The final walk at the end of the collection was actually more of a dance party, with the models cheering and skipping down the runway, and it was just so perfect. How else could you end this We got to sneak backstage after the show and speak with Johnson Hartig himself. The designer beamed as friends and fans flocked to him to congratulate on an incredible show.

AOL Style: What is your biggest inspiration?
Johnson Hartig: "

There were a lot this season! Staffordshire dogs, 18th century meissen monkeys playing musical instruments, fluorescent molecular cell research, neon colors, plastic chains, all over the place."

AOL Style: Speaking of plastic chains, talk to me about those shoes!
Johnson Hartig: "
We reused shoes we worked with a year ago, added the chains and saved $7,000 for shoes in fifteen minutes!"

AOL Style: Now, that AMAZING green coat — how many hours would you say went into creating that piece?
Johnson Hartig: "
I'd say probably about 100 hours, which makes it all the more frustrating when you think about the pieces that UPS has lost... It's heartbreaking, but we pulled it off!"

Pulled it off they did. You have to see the collection for yourself -- click through below to see every incredible look!

For more fashion week content straight off the runway, click here.

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