Millennials reveal what they think about Bernie Sanders

Who Is Bernie Sanders?
Who Is Bernie Sanders?

Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is making headlines as new polls show him drawing even with democratic front-runner Hillary Clinton. Sanders credits his focus on middle-class economics and his anti-establishment ideology for his sudden and somewhat unexpected popularity. His campaign has received contributions from over 400,000 people.

With more publicity comes more exposure to criticism, though. Millennials, in particular, are quick to voice their opinions about the candidate. While many young people praise Sanders for his effort to make education more affordable and for his liberal views with regard to LGBT and women's rights, others fear that he poses a threat to their comfortable lifestyles and economic statuses.

To spread more conversation about the potential front-runner, several millennials took to Whisper, the popular app that provides an anonymous platform for people to share their most honest thoughts, to share their opinions about Bernie Sanders.

He may qualify for the job, but he isn't controversial enough to gain the necessary attention.

I would love for Bernie Sanders to be President, but I don't think he's controversial enough.
I would love for Bernie Sanders to be President, but I don't think he's controversial enough.

Young people say his age is something to consider.

Bernie Sanders is probably one of the best presidential candidates America has had for a very long time.. My only worry is that he's so old, I hope he can take the stress...
Bernie Sanders is probably one of the best presidential candidates America has had for a very long time.. My only worry is that he's so old, I hope he can take the stress...

He's winning the hearts of conservatives and liberals alike.

I thought I was primarily a Republican, but I think I'll end up voting for Bernie Sanders given the chance
I thought I was primarily a Republican, but I think I'll end up voting for Bernie Sanders given the chance

People support his focus on the middle class.

I may actually register to vote this year because of Bernie Sanders! In my opinion, I think he is exactly what America needs. We need to focus on the middle class
I may actually register to vote this year because of Bernie Sanders! In my opinion, I think he is exactly what America needs. We need to focus on the middle class

Students hope he can help with expenses.

After looking over my loans and my textbook fees I have never before felt this country's need for Bernie Sanders so viscerally
After looking over my loans and my textbook fees I have never before felt this country's need for Bernie Sanders so viscerally

Others, however, fear he'll threaten their well-earned lavish lifestyles.

Yes Bernie Sanders, I am rich, however I earned my wealth and deserve every penny. Just because you legalize theft doesn't make it moral.
Yes Bernie Sanders, I am rich, however I earned my wealth and deserve every penny. Just because you legalize theft doesn't make it moral.

Honesty just might be the best policy.

I really want Bernie Sanders to win the presidency. He's pro LGBT, pro women's rights, and plans on fixing the education system, and he's truthful.
I really want Bernie Sanders to win the presidency. He's pro LGBT, pro women's rights, and plans on fixing the education system, and he's truthful.

Even those who disagree with him still respect him.

I might not agree with Bernie Sanders, but I can respect him.  He talks the talk and walks the walk. That's honorable
I might not agree with Bernie Sanders, but I can respect him. He talks the talk and walks the walk. That's honorable

Some won't vote for him due to fear of an insignificant ballot.

My mom told me to vote Hillary because there's no way Bernie Sanders would win. Well yeah, not with that attitude.
My mom told me to vote Hillary because there's no way Bernie Sanders would win. Well yeah, not with that attitude.

He brings a certain throwback vibe to the table.

I like Bernie Sanders' passion. He has the same passion as 1960's hippies who were fighting for social justice. America needs him and his socialism.
I like Bernie Sanders' passion. He has the same passion as 1960's hippies who were fighting for social justice. America needs him and his socialism.

He has some pretty extreme supporters.

Honestly if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the next presidential election, I will probably move to a different country.
Honestly if Bernie Sanders doesn't win the next presidential election, I will probably move to a different country.

And even some first-time supporters.

Bernie Sanders is the first presidential candidate I have ever 100% supported, to a point where I have no problems vocalizing my support to those in my life.
Bernie Sanders is the first presidential candidate I have ever 100% supported, to a point where I have no problems vocalizing my support to those in my life.

Some consider him an idealist.

Bernie Sanders seems like a swell guy, but I'm not so sure his ideas would actually work out well.
Bernie Sanders seems like a swell guy, but I'm not so sure his ideas would actually work out well.

Others consider him egotistical.

Bernie Sanders is a megalomaniac who just wants the ring of power for himself, just like every other politician
Bernie Sanders is a megalomaniac who just wants the ring of power for himself, just like every other politician

Nevertheless, he seems to offer a glimmer of hope for even the greatest political pessimists.

I'm so against voting in the presidential election because I think it's all a joke. However, I'm considering registering to vote for Bernie Sanders.
I'm so against voting in the presidential election because I think it's all a joke. However, I'm considering registering to vote for Bernie Sanders.

For more Bernie Sanders opinions, ​check out Whisper.

Watch this video to learn more about Bernie Sanders:

Who Is Bernie Sanders?
Who Is Bernie Sanders?

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