John Oliver prepares high schoolers for everything they'll learn this year, in four minutes

John Oliver Prepares High Schoolers for Everything They'll Learn This Year, in Four Minutes
John Oliver Prepares High Schoolers for Everything They'll Learn This Year, in Four Minutes

Just because Last Week Tonight is on hiatus doesn't mean John Oliver isn't getting viewers ready for back to school.

The show released a web exclusive on Sunday night for his high school-age audiences, preparing them for what they'll learn in the year ahead in courses like biology, chemistry and mathematics.

For example, in world history, "you are going to hear a lot in school about European 'explorers' and 'colonists.' Now, as adults, you will realize that these men were basically genocidal lunatics, but for now, enjoy thinking of them as thrilling adventurers and discovers."

Plus, "you'll also learn that Africa and Asia are places, but that's about it. You will leave school knowing as much about those two continents as I know about actors Penn Badgley, you'll know it's something that exists in the world, but you won't be able to give any facts about it other than the general shape."

Read More: Watch John Oliver Sing for Washington D.C.'s Statehood on 'Last Week Tonight'

Oliver also offers a quick rundown of oft-read English literature titles like Of Mice and Men, Romeo and Juliet, The Great Gatsby and Death of a Salesman. "The biggest mistake you can make is forgetting who dies at the end of a book, so we have made a handy guide of who dies at the end of things. This will help you."

Watch the video below.

Read More: John Oliver Emphasizes Need for LGBT Anti-Discrimination Laws

See photos of Oliver throughout his career:

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