7 common fasting and meal frequency myths completely debunked

Is Fasting a Safe Way to Slim Down?
Is Fasting a Safe Way to Slim Down?

Fasting, otherwise known as "abstaining from all or some kinds of food or drink for a certain period of time," was originally mostly done for religious purposes. These days, many people consider fasting a sort of diet fad or cleanse. While many of us have fasted at one point or another in order to feel more rejuvenated, happier, healthier, etc -- there are certainly several myths surrounding this idea that still may come as a bit confusing.

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On the same topic, meal frequency is a huge concept when it comes to losing weight or staying healthy. Am I doomed if I skip breakfast? Does eating more often reduce hunger? These questions and many others often ring through our heads when it comes to healthy living and eating. So today, we've decided to debunk a few common fasting and meal frequency myths you might be curious about. Take a look below.

1) Skipping breakfast will make you fat

On the contrary! Studies have shown that it doesn't make any difference for weight loss whether you do or don't eat breakfast.

2) Eating frequently boosts your metabolism

What actually matters is the total amount of calories consumed, not how many meals you eat.

3) Eating frequently helps reduce hunger

In reality, there is no evidence that snacking or eating more often reduces hunger.

4) Small meals can help you lose weight

Most studies show that there is no difference in smaller meals vs. larger meals when it comes to weight loss.

5) Fasting makes you overeat

Intermittent fasting is actually one of the world's most powerful tools to lose weight.

6) Fasting puts your body in starvation mode

Evidence shows that short-term fasting increases metabolism, decreasing chances of starvation.

7) Fasting makes you lose muscle

Some studies actually show fasting may be beneficial for holding on to muscle mass while dieting.

Click through below for more healthy eating myths you should know:

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