10 daily habits that are unknowingly making you bloated

What Feeds Belly Bloat?
What Feeds Belly Bloat?

Ah, the dreaded tummy bloat. You never expect it, you never want it, but somehow it always finds it's way into your life. We've all heard the common theories of how to avoid a bloated belly, like not eating salty foods or drinking soda -- but even on days when you follow every non-bloat concept, somehow it still creeps up on us.

Photo: Getty

So, the question of the day is -- what actually causes bloating? Well, the truth is, a lot of things. It's not just salty snacks and sugary drinks that increase the size of our bellies for the moment -- several other things do as well, and we're completely unaware of it.

With that said, take a look below at everyday habits that may be making you bloated without you even knowing it.

1) Chewing too much gum

2) Chewing your pen cap

3) Eating really fast

4) Drinking through a straw

5) Snoring throughout the night

6) Too much fiber in your diet

7) Too much stress

8) Wearing tight leggings or spanx for long periods of time

9) Eating too much fruit

10) Being dehydrated

Click through below for easy ways to prevent bloating:

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