Woman reunited with dog 5 years after he was stolen

Woman Reunited With Stolen Dog 5 Years Later
Woman Reunited With Stolen Dog 5 Years Later

Justine Holmlund tied up her 4-year-old pug Tyson outside of a Safeway while she went inside to use the ATM. When she came back out, he was gone.

That was five years ago — and ever since, she's says she's been heartbroken over the unexpected loss. But all that ended last month when the two were finally reunited.

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Giovanna Carabella, a private investigator who works with animals, told ABC News that a man found Tyson roaming the streets last month and brought him to her, knowing about her profession.

See photos of Tyson the pug:

She took him to a veterinarian in Alberta where doctors discovered a tattoo inside his ear that revealed his rightful owner, Justine, who lived in Ontario just 5 hours away.

When Justine heard the news that Tyson had been found she posted on Facebook on August 23, "I'm just sobbing tears of happiness...I can't wait to be reunited with my best buddy after almost 5 years."

She posted a photo to Instagram on September 1 with the caption, "Reunited at last."

According to the Calgary Herald, a criminal investigation into the matter is underway, but Tyson is said to be in good health and very happy to be home.

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