Why these students covered up their school's mirrors

What Happens When People Try Going A Week Without Looking In A Mirror
What Happens When People Try Going A Week Without Looking In A Mirror

How long do you spend looking in the mirror each day? It's probably a lot more than you'd think. At Trinity Academy in Wichita, Kansas, high school seniors decided to take this obsession with body image into their own hands.

In an effort to promote body positivity, high school seniors went around and covered up the bathroom mirrors with brown paper, filled with feel-good messages. Note that the majority of phrases are Bible verses, as Trinity Academy is Christian school.

One of the girls behind the mural told KWCH that they're doing this for the younger students at Trinity Academy. "We were trying to think of ideas of how we could serve the underclassmen and make the most impact."

%shareLinks-quote="Especially as freshmen and sophomores, you're trying to find your identity and who you are, and we want them to find their identity in God and in Christ and not in a mirror and not what their outward appearance looks like." type="quote" author="High schooler behind the project" authordesc="KWCH" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Want to learn more about body image? Click here for more articles on the subject:

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