This billionaire wants to buy an island to host immigrants in Europe

Billionaire's Solution to Migrant Crisis: A Private Island
Billionaire's Solution to Migrant Crisis: A Private Island

With the immigration crisis intensifying in Europe, Egyptian billionaire Naguib Sawiris proposed a solution to ease the problems related to an increasing flux of incoming migrants: he wants to buy an island.

Sawiris, who is the CEO of a major phone operator in the Middle East, asked on Twitter if Italy or Greece would like to sell him an island so that he can host migrants and provide jobs to them by building their new country:

While the plan sounds like a good idea, there are many bureaucratic quibbles around legal matters of jurisdiction and "state creation," not to mention that no Italian or Greek island would be big enough to host all the migrants that are making their way into the European borders. Sawiris realized that and tweeted that maybe this could be just a temporary solution:

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