Watch Rachel Platten sing 'Fight Song' with a 7-year-old cancer patient


Heads up, you're going to need tissues to watch the video above. Ever since 7-year-old Jeremiah Succar was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer in May, he has been playing Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" on repeat. The young boy enjoys singing the empowering tune to help him get through even the worst days.

That's why he was overjoyed when Platten surprised him at Children's Hospital Los Angeles. She learned about his love for her song through social media and decided to pay him a visit.

During her time at the hospital, Platten and Jeremiah sang a heartwarming rendition of his favorite pump-up anthem together on his bed. Jeremiah even took a few solos, making us fall completely in love with him. His father, Jerry Succar, told the hospital:

"Jeremiah loves 'Fight Song. He memorized the lyrics after three or four times listening to it. He used to sing it when he got a lot of headaches, but now he sings it in the morning, before bed and during shots he has to get."

Jeremiah has stage-four atypical rhabdoid teratoid, a fast-growing tumor that develops in the brain and spinal cord. He just finished his second round of chemotherapy.

Once the duo finished the song, a happy, satisfied Jeremiah asked Platten for her autograph. After enduring so much pain and hardship over the past few months, the little boy finally got the great day he deserved. One thing is for sure: he's still got a lot of fight left in him.

Watch this video to see how Platten's "Fight Song" is helping families around the world:

'The View': Rachel Platten on 'The View': How Her Fight Song Is Lifting Up Families
'The View': Rachel Platten on 'The View': How Her Fight Song Is Lifting Up Families

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