This woman plans to give birth in the ocean with a dolphin for a midwife

Woman Wants Dolphins to Help Her Give Birth in the Ocean
Woman Wants Dolphins to Help Her Give Birth in the Ocean

While water births have become quite common, one couple is taking the trend to a whole new level by planning to have their baby in the ocean. They also plan to use the help of a midwife...who is a dolphin.

Spiritual healer Dorina Rosin and her husband Maika Suneagle, from Hawaii, star in Katie Piper's new Channel 4 documentary "Extraordinary births." The couple believes that by having their baby in the ocean amidst the dolphins, the dolphin songs will bring them strong healing properties and will help their baby to speak dolphin.

The two run the Hawaii Spirit Healing Sanctuary on Hawaii's Big Island. Dorina wrote on her blog:

"In 2011 and 2014 I had the privilege to learn from and with wild and free dolphins and Humpback whales in Hawaii who transformed and healed me in a very profound way."

Piper admitted that when she first heard of Dorina and Maika, she thought they were a bit strange. However, she admits that their happiness and positive vibes prompted her to obtain more of an open mind. She told The Times:

"I found the dolphin people a bit out-there but they seemed so happy and the woman was so relaxed. I just thought everybody was wonderful and it was all a bit of an eye-opener."

However, experts have warned that giving birth in the ocean is extremely dangerous. There is the risk of a Great White shark catching the scent and heading to the scene. Plus, because dolphins are wild, they're unpredictable creatures. Science journalist Christie Wilcox explained in Discover in 2013:

"Because of their friendly disposition and common (occurrence) in aquariums, we tend to think of dolphins as trustworthy, loving creatures. No matter how cute they might appear, dolphins are not cuddly companions; they are real, large, ocean predators with a track record for violence — even when it comes to humans."

The expectant couple is determined to deliver their baby in the ocean regardless of the warnings.

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