Watch this gigantic drone carry a human being

ICYMI: X-Ray Pill, Space-Controlled Earth Rover and More
ICYMI: X-Ray Pill, Space-Controlled Earth Rover and More

We are all getting familiar with what's becoming an increasingly more widespread use of drones, mostly for video and photographic work, and in some cases for rescue and contained deliveries. These drones are normally small to medium size, and they count between four to eight rotors. But what if we could control a super drone with 54 propellers?

Someone is working on that. A video recently surfaced on YouTube showing a gigantic drone that's able to lift its own pilot and hover around a field. The whole machine weighs 326 pounds and it can lift as much as 361 pounds. Basically get ready for a romantic couple's ride on your mega drone.

Here is the video:

And this is what it looks like with the pilot off board:

See the latest drone photos:

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