Teen fakes triplet pregnancy with help from website

Teen Faked 10-Month Pregnancy with FakeABaby.Com
Teen Faked 10-Month Pregnancy with FakeABaby.Com

A Michigan teen is in trouble after fooling the world about being pregnant with triplets.

Although originally supportive of the girl and her teenage pregnancy, friends and family became skeptical after ten months had passed and no birth. It turns out that the whole pregnancy had been a ruse and she was able to fool the public thanks to a website called FakeABaby.com.

When the Michigan teen first announced her pregnancy to family and friends, they were shocked.

"I was excited, don't get me wrong, but I was scared," her boyfriend, Jordan, told WJBK. He quickly started getting his life ready for children.

"I started looking for jobs the best I could. I was ready to donate all my time," said the 16-year-old boy. Jordan's mother, Krissy Wyrabkiewicz on the other hand, was less than pleased.

"I was happy - eventually - but not in the beginning. I mean, that's my son," she said.

Both of their families soon embraced this major life change and support came flooding in from the community. Gifts were given, local churches and nonprofits had donated to the expecting mother of three and a baby shower was even thrown for the 16-year-old girl. The teen had even picked out names for her three children -- Ivan, Alice and Isabella.

SEE ALSO: Mom accidentally fake tans baby

"She couldn't even open [the gifts] at the shower, there was so much," said Jordan's aunt, Jessica Adams.

%shareLinks-quote="Everything seemed normal at first, the girl's belly was growing and she even had ultrasound pictures to show off. However, as her due date grew closer, the threads in her story began to unwravel." type="spreadWord"%

"She gave me the story about micro-preemies and how her doctor thought time would be better in [the womb] than time in the incubator," Jordan said his girlfriend told him after she still hadn't delivered the babies after 10 months.

A woman in Ohio eventually figured out the pregnancy was faked. Tracy Matthews was a member of the same Moms of Triplets Facebook group the teenage girl was in. She was able to trace the ultrasound picture back to FakeABaby.com and reached out to the family about the news.

%shareLinks-quote="You can put them side by side and the only difference you're going to see is that she used a fake doctor that doesn't exist." type="quote" author="Tracy Matthews" authordesc="Boyfriend's aunt, about the ultrasound pictures" isquoteoftheday="false"%

The expectant mother reportedly lied about the pregnancy until the day before her C-section when she claimed she lost the babies and refused to see a doctor.

That was the last straw for Jordan's family, who called authorities about the pregnancy.

"I told the hotline she has three babies that she's supposed to be full term with, and she won't go to the hospital and they don't have heartbeats. So, they sent detectives over there and she finally cracked and told the detectives that she lost them at six weeks," said his aunt, Adams.

The teen's brother told WJBK that the girl claims miscarried at six weeks and "she didn't tell anybody; she was scared and didn't know what to do."

Her boyfriend feels deceived and shocked.

"I don't think anybody should go through that...All this over a website," Jordan said. His mother agrees and believes the website should be put down because, "if she can do it that easy, anybody can."

Although there is no way to verify the validity of the girl's claims, police are investigating whether her acceptance of gifts and thousands of dollars in donations is broke the law. Authorities are also investigating whether or not the girl's parents were in on the fake pregnancy.

It turns out that fake pregnancies might happen more often than you'd think.Watch the video below to hear about how another woman faked being pregnant with quintuplets:

Expectant Father of Quintuplets Learns Girlfriend Was Never Pregnant
Expectant Father of Quintuplets Learns Girlfriend Was Never Pregnant

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