M&M's releases pumpkin spice latte flavor

M&Ms Release Pumpkin Spice Latte Flavor, World Rejoices
M&Ms Release Pumpkin Spice Latte Flavor, World Rejoices

M&M's always releases seasonal flavors, and at this point, we really thought we'd seen them all.

Alas, we have not. The company is taking a page from Starbucks' most popular fall drink -- the pumpkin spice latte.

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Now, we have our two favorite fall flavors in a chocolatey form: pumpkin spice latte and the previously released pecan pie flavor.

The M&Ms come in orange, white, and brown and feature Ms. Brown wrapped up in a scarf, naturally holding the coffee equivalent of the flavor.

The newest fall flavor will be available at Target sometime this week.

Feast your eyes on some of the most gorgeous pumpkin spice lattes:

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