One father's reaction to his son choosing a doll at a store goes viral

Dad Is Stoked When His Kid Gets A Doll At the Toy Store
Dad Is Stoked When His Kid Gets A Doll At the Toy Store

Mikki Willis, a California father, took to Facebook after he and his son decided to make a trip to the toy store.

Willis explains in the video that he took his son to exchange a toy which he already received and instead chose a mermaid doll. With over 14 million views, Willis is seen praising his son for choosing the doll, as well as telling him to choose whatever life he is meant to live.

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The video has gone viral and flooded the internet with exclamations of acceptance! Check out the video below.

How would you feel if your son chose this??

Posted by Mikki Willis on Friday, August 21, 2015

Willis goes on to to say that he and his wife would love both of his sons no matter what gender or sexuality they are, because that's just who they are.

%shareLinks-quote="Choose your expression, choose what you're into, choose your sexuality, choose whatever" type="quote" author="Mikki Willis" authordesc="" isquoteoftheday="false"%

Now if only everyone preceded their day with this way of thinking!

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