Jeb Bush super PAC sends out mailer with major Photoshop fail

The Jeb Bush PAC Mailer That Drew So Many Offhanded Remarks
The Jeb Bush PAC Mailer That Drew So Many Offhanded Remarks

Jeb Bush's Super PAC, Right to Rise, sent out 86,000 mailers to Iowa voters on Thursday in an effort to push its candidate above the mid-single digits in the polls.

And at first glance, the mailer seems fine. But a closer look at Bush's left hand reveals something a little bit off. Yep, it's black. So two possibilities: Jeb Bush should probably get to a dermatologist, or someone is really bad at Photoshop.

Photo by Right to Rise

And after an exhaustive investigation into Jeb Bush's left hand, we're able to report that it's probably just a Photoshop goof. Nice job, intern.

And another thing about the mailer: The background is a stock image of Cedar Rapids, Iowa. So it's a funny picture, but also revealing: Current election law forbids Super PACs from any coordination with the candidates they support.

Which means that while Right to Rise will spend tens of millions of dollars supporting Bush, it's illegal for the PAC to ask his campaign for a picture of him standing in front of an Iowa city.

So someone found a generic picture of Cedar Rapids, combined it with an altered picture of Jeb Bush, and, well, this is what happens. And with 15 months to go until the election, it's probably not the last time we'll see some inadvertently hilarious campaign work.

See more images of Jeb Bush on the campaign trail:

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