Happy 69th birthday, Bill Clinton!

Biography of Bill Clinton
Biography of Bill Clinton

Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of The United States of America, turns 69 today!

The Yale Law School graduate was a president for two terms, with his time in office ranging from 1993 to 2001. Clinton was the first democratic president in decades to be elected twice, and during his presidency, he led the U.S. to its longest economic expansion in American history, which resulted in the creation of more than 22 million jobs.

After his time at the White House, President Clinton created the William J. Clinton Foundation -- which is now known as the Bill, Hillary & Chelsea Clinton Foundation -- or the Clinton Foundation, which aims to "improve global health and wellness, increase opportunity for girls and women, reduce childhood obesity, create economic opportunity and growth, and help communities address the effects of climate change."

Today, the combined efforts of the Clinton Foundation help more than 430 million people around the world. Along with being a philanthropist, Clinton has also classified himself as a connector -- a man who has many friendships and notable people in his life. In 1963, at the mere age of 16, Clinton shoved his way through a crowd to meet John F. Kennedy, the president at the time. Clinton later admitted that he "muscled" his way through the line to meet the president at the Boys Nation event.

The former president showed his love for the end of both The Daily Show and the end of The David Letterman show via his Twitter account:

He's not afraid to share his sense of humor on social media, and he made this pretty clear when he wished all of his Twitter followers a happy President's Day with this tweet:

Bill Clinton's presidency came under fire after during a scandal in 1998, where he was accused of having relations with White House intern, Monica Lewinsky. Now, the former president is back in the political circle with his wife Hillary Clinton running as a presidential candidate for the 2016 election. Clinton said he'll be taking on a role as her 'backstage adviser.'

See the gallery below for a collection of photos of Bill and Hillary through the years:

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