Officers 'ticket' kids for good behavior

Officers 'Ticket' Kids for Good Behavior
Officers 'Ticket' Kids for Good Behavior

MODESTO, Calif. (FOX40) -- Cops in Modesto ticketed kids Monday, but not for committing crimes. The tickets were given to kids caught in the act of doing good deeds as a part of "Operation Chill."

Armed with a pad of coupons and Modesto police stickers, Officer Billy Boyle got students to "freeze" as he was handing out citations — good for a free Slurpee.

%shareLinks-quote="Operation Chill was started by 7-Eleven back in 1995. The purpose was to keep kids out of trouble during the idle summer months." type="spreadWord"%

Several students at Bernard Hughes Elementary School were written up for conduct above and beyond.

"I feel good about myself, I feel like I've accomplished something," said sixth-grader Michael Sada.

Operation Chill was started by 7-Eleven back in 1995. The purpose was to keep kids out of trouble during the idle summer months.

And those being cited couldn't be happier.

"I think it's a real honor," said Elizabeth Ramos, who was cited for helping her autistic brother with homework.

Crossing guards at Orville Wright Elementary got moving violations.

For these students, the fine is fine with them.

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