Labor Day flights will be the busiest ever, 14 million travelers expected

Labor Day Flights Will Be the Busiest Ever, 14 Million Travelers Expected
Labor Day Flights Will Be the Busiest Ever, 14 Million Travelers Expected

If you had the great idea to travel during Labor Day week, so did everyone else.

Maybe not EVERYONE else - but like 14 million people - which is still a lot. Industry group Airlines for America - also known as A4A - crunched some numbers and it looks like 14.2 million people will be flying during what they call the Labor Day holiday period.

A4A projects that from Wednesday, September 2nd through Tuesday, September 8th about 2 million people will be getting on planes per day. That's up from 59,000 last year.

Earlier this year, the A4A predicted the summer of 2015 would be the busiest summer in the history of US air travel - so it looks like they were right.

Thanks to airlines offering more flights and bigger planes, the prices have been really affordable and everyone is taking advantage of it. So just try to remember - when you're stuck in traffic, navigating a crowded airport, waiting on lines, sitting in a jam packed plane - you were really, really excited about traveling when you booked those cheap tickets back in the spring.

Now you just have to hope the airlines have their acts together and you don't have to do your best Catherine O'Hara impression.

See the best fall travel destinations:
